Department Of PG Studies In Botany

Botany is related to the scientific study of plants. It has ever-increasing key role in natural resource management. Diversity in plant sciences allows the career aspirants of different backgrounds, aptitudes and interests to find satisfying careers in Botany. The application of plant sciences improves yield and supply of foods, medicines, fibres, building materials and other plant products. Public health and environmental health mainly depends on better understanding of plant science and technological advancements. The knowledge of plant sciences is essential for development and management of forests, parks, waste lands, sea wealth etc. The P.G. Department of Botany at Alva’s College, Moodbidri was established in the academic year 2014-15 and is affiliated to Mangalore University with the aim of giving higher education facility to local students as well as for students from distant places within the same campus. The subject offers wide range of career opportunities in teaching , Research, Industries, ,Central and State Government Services and self employment.

For 2019 Brochure of PG Botany Click Here
RESULTS & Ranks :  100 % WITH  2 ranks under Mangalore University

  1. Miss Sambhrama Sastry              : First Rank with 2 gold medal & cash prize
  2. Miss Kavana                                   : Third Rank

Placement : 15 students joined as Lecturers and 06 students are pursuing B Ed. 2 students have enrolled for public examination coaching classes.

Linkages with Research Institutions

  1. ICAR- CPCRI Kasaragod, Kerala
  2. Regional Agricultural Research Station Pilicode, Kasaragod
  3. Division of Plant Science, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
  4. ICAR- CPCRI, Regional Station Vittal, D. K. Karnataka
  5. Division of Crop Protection, UAS Raichur, Karnataka
  6. Sridhar Bhat Laboratory, Bangalore
  7. Dr Shivaramakaranth, Biological Park, Pilikula, Mangalore
  8. Azyme Bioscience Pvt. Jayanagar, Bangalore


 I semester II semester


III semester IV semester
 Hard Core
Hard Core Hard Core Hard Core
BOH 401-Plant Morphology and Taxonomy- I BOH 451- Plant Morphology and Taxonomy- II BOH501 Plant Ecology & Environment BOH551 Plant Breeding

BOH402-Plant Biochemistry

BOH-452- Plant Physiology BOH502 Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology BOH552 Plant Biotechnology
BOH 403- Microbiology BOP- 453- Plant Morphology and Taxonomy Lab- II BOP503 Plant Ecology & Environment – Lab BOP553 ***Project work
BOP404-Plant Morphology and Taxonomy Lab- I BOP 454- Plant Physiology Lab
BOP504  Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology -Lab
BOP554 Plant Breeding – Lab
BOP 405-Plant Biochemistry Lab BOS455 Molecular plant pathology BOP555 Plant Biotechnology – Lab
BOP-406 Microbiology Lab BOS456 Applied Microbiology
Soft core Soft core


Soft core Soft core
BOS-407Plant Pathology
BOP459 Molecular plant pathology – Lab BOS505 Plant Tissue Culture BOS557 Biodiversity & conservation
BOP-407- Plant-Pathology Lab


BOP460 Applied Microbiology -Lab BOS506 Seed Technology


BOP509 Plant Tissue Culture Lab
BOP510 Seed Technology – Lab
  Open elective Open elective  
BOE463 Medicinal Plants
BOE513 Plant Propagation

Highlights:# Students can opt this course from any Department of his/her choice.

  • Highlights:
    • 2015-16. …… First batch 100% result with first class and distinction  and first rank
    • 2016-17 ……  100% result with first class and distinction  and first and third  ranks
    • 2017-18 …….  100% result with first class and distinction


    • Greishma Nair— First rank and gold medalist —2016
    • Sambrama Shashry– First rank and gold medalist –2017
    • Miss Kavana M — III Rank —2017

    Department offers:

    • Orientation and bridge Course,
    • Career guidance
    • Regular Guest lectures, Workshops and seminars
    • Guidance for Various Exams and regular NET Coaching class
    • Training for Research work
    • Regular Field visits, Industrial Visit, Study tour and  visit to Research centers
    • Vacation Project Work/summer project
    • Interaction with Botanist, Industrialists and Farmers
    • Certificate courses