B.Com. – General


“Building Students to face Challenges through focused Quality Education”

The Commerce Department of the College was established in the year 2003. Today, it is one of the largest departments in terms of number of students as well as number of Faculties. The Department aims at providing not only academic excellence but also value creation among the students. Presently, the Department has about 1377 students and 35 dedicated staff members who are highly qualified and experts in their respective fields.

The Department strives to take the students beyond academics and offers innumerable exposures and opportunities to facilitate them to grow in self-confidence and self-esteem, so that they will be able to face all challenges of life successfully. The entire world has become a small village with the net-work of communication technology. In such a fast changing and dynamic world, it is imperative that the present day youth is prepared for innovation and creativity, leading to excellence in performance and good communicators in building human relationships and promoting potential markets and also learn the art of living. The Teaching program includes Lectures, Guest Lectures, Problem Solving, Group Discussions, Seminar Presentations, Case Study, Mini Research projects, Industrial visits, Inter class competitions etc.

The Alumni of the Department are well placed in the fields of Banking and finance, General management, Civil services and Academics. Many are successfully managing their own Business establishments or are reputed Chartered Accountants.

Objectives of the Department:

  • To develop conceptual, technical and human relations skill among the students through formal and informal education.
  • To build Industry-specific competencies to match with the requirements of competitive world.
  • To shape the personality that balances the needs of professional, social and personal life.
  • To train the youth to make them employable.

Courses Offered:

  • B.Com (General) with Business Taxation/ HRM
  • B.Com (Vocational) with Computer Application
  • B.Com (Vocational) with Tax Procedure

Add on Courses:

  • CA-CPT/ CA-FOUNDATION Coaching Classes
  • CA-IPCC/ INTERMEDIATE Coaching classes
  • CS – Foundation & Executive Coaching Classes
  • IBPS – Bank Exam Coaching Classes

Certificate Courses:

  • Human Resources & Employee Relations Management
  • Tourism Management
  • Digital Banking
  • Finance & Personal Investment

The Department offers Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (B.Com-General), (B.Com-Vocational – Computer Application & Tax Procedure) which is spread over three years and consists of six semesters, each approximately of six months. The Dept. is also facilitating  the students to pursue professional courses such as CA, CS by providing coaching for the exams at various levels like CPT/CA Foundation, IPCE/InterCS Foundation & Executive, IBPS -Bank Exam coaching etc.


Faculty Profile

Name Qualification Designation Specialization Years of Experience
K.Umesh Shetty M.Com, M.Phil, PGDHE Prof.,HOD & Dean Banking Mgt. 22
Chaya.N M.Com, M.phil Professor & HOD Taxation 18
Sharmila Kundar M.Com, MBA, M.Phil, PGDBM, PGDHRM M.Com Professor & HOD FM & HRM M 18
Sumithra B.D M.Com Assoc.Prof.& HOD FM & HRM 17
Ramakrishna Shetty M.Com, M.Phil Assoc.Prof.& HOD Banking 15
Vasanth Poojary M.Com, M.Phil, PGDPM & IR, DCA Assoc.Prof. & HOD FM 15
Shreelekha M.Com Assoc.Professor FM 11
Ashok K.G M.Com, PGDKJ Asst.Professor FM 12
Veena Monteiro M.Com, PGDBM Asst.Professor General 09
Manu D.L MBA Asst.Professor 08
Divya.N M.Com Asst.Professor FM 08
Jyothi M.Com Asst.Professor General 09
Bhavya M.Com, MBA, M.Phil Asst.Professor FM 09
Balakrishna M.Com Asst.Professor Taxation 06
Aparna.K M.Com Asst.Professor Financial Mgt. 06
Navya Shetty M.Com Asst.Professor FM 06
Mahendra H.R MBA, M.Com, PGDBA, EDP Asst.Professor FM , HR & MM 06
Sushmitha Y M.Com Asst.Professor FM 05
Amritha Acharya MBA Lecturer HRM 04
Ananthashayana M.Com Lecturer FM 02
Gururaj.P M.Com Lecturer FM 01
Supriya Bangera M.Com Lecturer FM 01
Chethana M.J M.Com Lecturer FM 01
Ashalatha M.Com, LLM Lecturer FM 04
Carol Rodrigues M.Com Lecturer FM 02
Preethi M.Com Lecturer FM 02
Renita Veigas M.Com Lecturer FM 02
Sowmyashree J M.Com Lecturer FM 03
Renita Reshma Sequeira M.Com Lecturer FM 03
Archana Bhat S M.Com Lecturer FM 01
Sushma Shetty M.Com Lecturer FM 01
Ramananda Nayak M.Com Lecturer Taxation 01
Bhanuprakash M.Com Lecturer Taxation 01
Shruthi M.Com Lecturer FM 01
Sowmya K M.Com Lecturer Taxation
Venkataramana CA Guest Lecturer


Academic Achievements:

Ranks/ Gold Medals/ Cash Prizes:

Sl.No Year Name Course Percentage Rank
1 2008-09 Asha S B B.Com(CA) 89.66% X
2 2010-11 Deeksha B.Com(Gen) 91.96% I
3 2010-11 Vishwas karantha K.S B.Com(Gen) 90.26% II
4 2010-11 Rashmin B.Com(Gen) 88.38% VIII
5 2012-13 Vaishnavi B.Com(Gen) 92.78% III
6 2013-14 Karthik Rama B.Com(Gen) 91.44% IX
7 2014-15 Priyanka B.Com(Gen) 93.00% III
8 2015-16 Soorya.S B.Com(Gen) 94.10 VI
9 2015-16 Sukanya Paradkar B.Com(Gen) 93.92 VIII
10 2015-16 Mamatha B.Com(Gen) 93.10 X
11 2016-17 Ramya R B.Com(Gen) 93.52 II
12 2016-17 Divya D B.Com(Gen) 92.68 VII
13 2017-18 Renisha D’souza B.Com(Gen) 93.54 IX
01 2016-17 Santhosh A Shetty B.Com(Gen) Scored highest marks in V & VI Sem. B.Com Financial Accounting papers in the University Examinations ICAI

Gold Medal

02 2017-18 Renisha D’souza B.Com(Gen) Scored highest marks in V & VI Sem. B.Com Financial Accounting papers in the University Examinations ICAI

Gold Medal

03 2017-18 Gowthami B.Com(Gen) Scored highest marks in V & VI Sem. B.Com Financial Accounting papers in the University Examinations ICAI

Gold Medal

04 2017-18 Jagrathi Javali B.Com(Gen) Scored highest marks in V & VI Sem. B.Com Financial Accounting papers in the University Examinations ICAI

Gold Medal

01 2017-18 Shambhavi B.Com(Gen) Scored highest marks in I & II year Kannada Language of BA/B.SC/BSW/B.Com Course of University Examinations Prof.SVP Bhat Memorial  Cash Prize


Results of B.Com: November/December 2018

I B.Com – I Sem. (General)

Sl.No. Subjects Percentage
01 English 90.51
02 Kannada 96.60
03 Sanskrit 98.28
04 Hindi 94.07
05 Malayalam 100%
06 Additional English 100%
07 Business Economics 92.65%
08 Financial Accounting -I 92.55%
09 Principles of Management 87.29%
10 Business Mathematics and Statistics-I 91.17%
11 Indian Constitution 98.14%


II B.Com -III Sem. (General)

Sl.No. Subjects Percentage
01 English 96.16%
02 Kannada 95.73%
03 Sanskrit 95.19%
04 Hindi 89.29%
05 Malayalam 100%
06 Manipuri 100%
07 Additional English 100%
08 Financial Accounting -III 89.81%
09 Cost and Management Accounting-I 94.68%
10 International Trade and Finance-I 92.59%
11 Business Taxation -I 95.30%


III B.Com -V Sem. (General)

Sl.No. Subjects Percentage
01 Business Law 93.82%
02 Modern Marketing 95.35%
03 Financial Management-I 95.52%
04 Financial Accounting- V 88.01%
05 Cost and Management Accounting -III 96.92%
06 Business Taxation -III 97.13%


Departmental Activities:

  • “Vaanijya”- The Annual News Bulletin: The Department comes with a News bulletin “Vaanijya” wherein the complete information about the Achievements & Programs of the Department is published.
  • Personality Development & Placement workshops: Workshops on personality development & Placements are conducted especially to the Final year Students in the V & VI Semesters to improve their communication and interactive skills and motivate them to move towards academic excellence under the guidance and control of Academic Advisors. Sometimes, For Second and First year students also workshops are organized when the Adviser feels it is needed to motivate students towards study.
  • Guest Lectures: Guest Lectures are organized on specific topics related to a particular subject by the concerned lecturers when they feel the expertise knowledge can be provided to the students by external expertise in the particular area.
  • Coaching Classes for the Slow Learners: The Department arranges for the coaching classes for the slow learners on a selective basis for those who appear for the University examination on the pending subjects of the previous semester.
  • Industrial Visits/ Tours: Industrial Visits/ Tours are arranged to the Final year students in VI Semester to have practical exposure, under the supervision and guidance of the Academic Advisor.
  • Academic Advisors/Mentors: Academic Advisers/Mentors are appointed in the beginning of the Academic year for each class. Academic Adviser is given authority &responsibility of his/ her class. She/he is responsible to identify the slow learners and advanced learners and facilities for their improved academic performance, monitoring the irregularity of the students, communicating with the parents, organizing additional programs as per the requirement of the students.
  • Mini Projects: with the objective of cultivating research attitude through practical application of theoretical knowledge the mini projects are given to the Final year students of B.Com under the guidance of Faculty members of the Dept. For this purpose, each class is divided into group of five students and for each group a guide is allotted and after the completion of the mini project viva-voice is conducted to the whole group by the panel framed by the department and the marks of which is considered for allotting internal assessment marks of the University.
  • Internships: With the objective of cultivating real work experience through practical application of theoretical knowledge, the Internships are given to the students of B.Com under the guidance of Faculty members of the Dept. For this purpose, each student is assigned to take up real work from one week to one month at the firm/Industry chosen by him/her, a guide is allotted supervise the same and after the completion of the work, viva-voice is conducted by the panel framed by the department and the marks of which is considered for allotting internal assessment marks of the University.
  • Seminar Classes/Group Discussions: Seminars& GDs slots are allotted to II & III year students within the time table with the intention of making them to become more confident & comfortable to face campus placements.
  • Bridge Course: The coaching on Basic Accountancy & Principles of Management for non-commerce students is conducted by the Dept. to make them more comfortable in learning the core subjects.
  • Faculty Development Program: The Department is organizing/ deputing the faculty for attending FDP/Conferences/Seminars/Workshops every year with the concern of making every faculty to become effective Teacher inside the classrooms.
  • Commerce Forum: An Association of the interested students; enroll themselves as members of the Forum & conducts various Personality development activities on Saturdays under the guidance of Faculty Coordinators. Their presence & performance during the Forum sessions will be considered for allotment of marks for Co-curricular activities.
  • Inter-class Fest: The students organize Inter-class Fests viz., INNOVATION & IGNITION every year to bring out the hidden talents through various competitions & thereby they learn various skills such as Planning, organizing, coordinating, communication, supervision, controlling, Financial& HR management etc.
  • Placements: Placement Cell of the College works under the guidance of AEF and conducts various placement drives whereby the students get offers in Companies such as Northern Trust, HDFC, Amazon, EY, Oracle, Cognizant, ESS & ESS, Paragon, Adithya Birla, Wipro, IBM, Ninjacart etc.


Contact Numbers

  • HOD and DEAN: K.Umesh Shetty- +919448304188
  • Professors and Course HODs:
  1. Prof.Sharmila Kundar- +919481177897
  2. Prof.Sumithra.B.D- +919480452985
  3. Prof.Ramakrishna Shetty- +919740735370




  1. a) A candidate who has passed the two years Pre-University Examination conducted by the Pre-University Education Board in the State of Karnataka or any other examination considered as equivalent thereto by Mangalore University is eligible for admission to these programmes.
  2. b) Admission of Diploma Holders in Commercial/Secretarial Practice to B.Com.Degree : Candidate successful at the diploma examination Secretarial/ Commercial practice conducted by the Government of Karnataka may be directly admitted to the III Semester (second year) B.Com. degree programme. Such candidates are not eligible for ranking.




The candidate shall opt for General and Communicative English as compulsory subject and one of the languages listed below: Kannada, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi, French, German, Russian, Konkani and Manipuri.

(a) Additional English shall be offered only for Foreign, NRI, Anglo- Indian and other Indian Students whose mother tongue is other than the languages listed above.

(b) In addition to General and Communicative English, a candidate shall opt for any one of the two languages studied at the Pre-University or equivalent level. However, he/she may opt for Kannada even if it is not studied at the Pre- University or equivalent level. With the permission of the University a candidate may opt for any other language listed above even if he/she has not studied that language at the Pre-University or equivalent level.

(c) Deaf, dumb, mentally challenged and study disabled students are exempted from studying one of the languages prescribed.


Commerce Subjects: Principles of Management, Economics, Financial Accounting, Business Law, Business Mathematics, Financial Management, Business Statistics, Banking, Business Taxation, Computer Application, Human Resource Management, Cost and Management Accounting, Auditing, International Trade etc.

Co-and Extra Curricular Activities: A student shall opt for any one of the following activities in the first four semesters offered in the college

  1. A) N.S.S. / N.C.C / Rovers and Rangers
  2. B) Sports and Games
  3. C) Other Co-and Extra-Curricular Activities as prescribed by the university Evaluation of Co-and Extra Curricular Activities is as per the procedure evolved by the university from time to time.


I Sem II Sem III Sem IV Sem V Sem VI Sem
Financial Accounting I Financial Accounting II Financial Accounting III Financial Accounting IV Financial Accounting V Financial Accounting VI
Principles of Management Modern Banking Cost & Management Accounting-I Cost & Management

Accounting II

Cost & Management Accounting III Cost & Management Accounting IV
Business Economics Money & Public Finance International Trade & Finance- I International Trade &

Finance II

Financial Management I Financial Management II
Business Statistics & Mathematics I Business Statistics & Mathematics II Business Taxation- I/HRM -I Business Taxation- II/HRM-II Business Taxation III/HRM-III Business Taxation IV/


Language I

Language II

Language I

Language II

Language I

Language II

Language I

Language II

Business Law Indian Corporate Law
Indian Constitution


Human Rights






Modern Marketing Auditing



  • Experienced Faculty
  • Guest Lectures
  • Personality Development Workshops
  • Expert Coaching on CA Foundation/IPCC/CS/IBPS-Bank Exam etc
  • Campus Recruitment
  • Compulsory Internships
  • Mini Research Project
  • Dept. Library with more than 1000 books & e-contents
  • Annual News Bulletin
  • Certificate Courses
  • Compulsory Seminars / Group Discussions
  • Commerce Fest
  • Extension activities
  • Industrial Visits / Tours
  • Placement Training
  • Wall Magazine- Vaanijya
  • Slow Learners’ Coaching
  • Google classrooms for each class and subject.


  • Teaching in Colleges after completing PG Courses
  • Managers, Executives, Tax Consultants, Financial Analysts, Financial Advisors in Corporate
  • Auditors, Risk ( Securities) Analysts, Project Assistants etc in Various Companies
  • Banking & Financial Institutions
  • Govt. sector undertakings
  • Public Services (KAS, IAS, KPS, IPS)
  • Jobs in IT, ITES, It Based undertakings
  • Hospitality/Construction Companies