Nanoscience & Nanotechnology


UNIT I (10 hrs)

Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology, history, background scope and interdisciplinary nature of nanoscience and nanotechnology, scientific revolutions, nanosized effects surface to volume ratio, atomic structure, molecules and phases, quantum effects, types of nanotechnology and nano machines. Synthesis- Top Down and bottom up approach (Nanoscale material-Nanocrystal and clusters, nano crystalline fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, nanorods, and nanocomposites. Functionalized nanoparticles in different medium.Nano scale properties and applications.

UNIT II (13 hrs)

Characterization of nanomaterials : UV-Vis Spectrocopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and related tecniques. DNA –based nanomechanical devices. Bio sensors and biochips. Bioelectronic systems based on nanoparticle hybrid. zero dimensional, one dimensional and tow dimensional nanostructure materials ) clusters of metals, semiconductors, ceramics and nanocomposites, size dependent phenomena, quantum dots, nanotubes, nanosheets, nano and mesopores.

UNIT II (13 hrs)

Nanobiology – interaction between biomolecules and nanoparticle surfaces – materials used for synthesis of hybrid nano-bio assemblies – biological applications – nanoprobes for analytical applications – nanobiotechnology – future perspectives. Nanosensors – what make them possible – nanoscale organization for sensors – characterization – nanosensors based on optical properties – nanosensors based on quantum size effects – electrochemical sensors – sensors based on physical properties – nanobiosensors – sensors of the future. Nanomedicines – approach to development – nanotechnology in diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

UNIT IV (13 hrs)

Polymeric, Lipid nanoparticles for drug delivery, Micelles in Drug Delivery. Quantum Dots,Gold, silica, silver and magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Carbon nanotubes and their applications. Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery to the Reticuloendothelial System and to Associated Disorders – Delivery of Nanoparticles to the Cardiovascular System – Nanocarriers for the Vascular Delivery of Drugs to the Lungs – Nanoparticulate Carriers for Drug Delivery to the Brain – Nanoparticles for Targeting Lymphatics – Polymeric Nanoparticles for Delivery in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract – Nanoparticular Carriers for Ocular Drug Delivery – Nanoparticles and Microparticles as Vaccines Adjuvants


  1. Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Heinrich Klefenz, Wiley-Vch Publication,

Germany, 2002.

  1. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Daan Crommelin, Robert D Sindelar, 2002, Tailor and

Francis Publications, Newyork, 2002.

  1. Hand book of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Jay P Rho, Stan G Louie, 2003,

Pharmaceutical products press, Newyork, 2003

  1. Theory and practice of industrial pharmacy, Lachman L Lieberman, HA, Kanig, J, 1986,
  2. Remington‟s Pharamaceutial sciences, Joseph Price Remington , 18th edtion, Mack

publishing & Co., Easton, 1980.

  1. Nanoparticles as Drug carriers, Vladimir P Torchilin, Imperial College Press, USA, 2006
  2. Nanomedicine, Parag Diwan and Ashish Bharadwaj, pentagon press, India, 2006.

M.Sc. Nanoscience & Technology (UD) 2015-16 onwards Anne